
The One Guy Who Never Shows Up

I know a guy who seems like he is perfect for any job. He is fearless, has unbridled energy and is ready to take on the world.

There is only one problem…he never shows up.

I like to call this guy future-Adam, and he creates more problems than he solves.

Not to go all Schmiegel on you, but in my mind there is current-Adam and there is future-Adam. Future-Adam is like the perfect pinch hitter. He is standing on deck, just waiting to be called on.

For instance, the other day I had gotten behind on some work. It was getting late in the day and I knew I should probably work a little later to catch up. But then I had a brilliant idea.

“I don’t want to work anymore,” I thought. “I am too tired right now. You know when I won’t be tired? Tomorrow. Yes, that is a perfect time to do this work. This is a perfect job for future-Adam. He will knock this project out of the park. Current-Adam would rather watch The Rock and Jimmy Fallon in a lip sync battle.”

I passed the job off to my pinch hitter and sat back and waited for a game winning hit.

Only, that’s not what happened. Tomorrow became today and future-Adam was no where to be found. Current-Adam was stuck with the work and guess what? He didn’t feel like doing the work anymore than he did the day before.

Future-Adam is the guy I turn to when it comes time for things like a grueling workout or eating healthy. “Current-Adam’s knee kinda hurts, let’s scrap the workout today and with a good night’s sleep future-Adam will wake up extra early tomorrow and hit the gym.” Seems like the perfect time to call on the pinch hitter.

Fast forward and current-Adam is too tired to get up when the alarm goes off (who knew there were so many lip sync battle videos to watch).

Every time I am faced with a difficult decision, my first thought is of future-Adam. “That job was made for future-Adam,” I tell myself when what I really mean is “that job is a little too scary for current-Adam.”



Photo credit: Wikipedia