
The One Thing You Can Control

From the time you wake up to the time you get to work, you will encounter many things out of your control.

You can’t control the traffic — some days you will face delays.

You can’t control what the radio plays — you may hear the same thing over and over.

You can’t control the weather — you could get a little wet.

You can’t control the open parking spots — sometimes you have to travel a little further.

You can’t control what will be dropped on your desk — every now and then you will need to put out fires.

You can’t control what your coworkers are going through — everyone has their own troubles.

But you can control the attitude you bring to work (and any other situation, for that matter).

You may be late, soaked and have that whip and nae nae song stuck in your head. You may have to park a mile from the office, only to be greeted with a scowl and a pile of problems.

But no one is forcing you to be grumpy. That is your choice.

We choose the attitude we bring to work. We decide if we laugh or cry, smile or frown. We dictate if others will enjoy being around us or if they will walk the other way when they see us coming.

There are many things we can’t control. Our attitude is not one of them.


Photo credit: Flickr