
Great News For Worriers

Is there something that has you worried today?

Are you worried about a presentation you have to give at work? Worried about how you will look, smell or speak on a date tonight? Maybe you are worried about how your team will perform in the Sweet Sixteen.

If you are worrying, you are not alone. One study reported that 38% of people said  they worry every day.

But there is good news…the stuff you are worrying about really isn’t so bad.

A study in Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy found that 85% of the stuff we worry about ends up having positive or neutral outcomes. And even when the outcome is negative, 79% of the time, worriers say they handled it better than they thought they would.

So don’t worry so much. There is a great chance it won’t be so bad. And even if what got you worrying still ends up having a negative result, you are equipped to handle it much better than you think.


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